Monday 6 April 2009


I have been creating textures for my final project, I have used a variety of methods to create these, this consists photographs I have took myself, sourced images off the internet, both of which have been manipulated using photoshop, and creating textures from scratch.
I asked Tracey to create me a glass texture, a mud texture and a destroyed building which I could use as part of my background, this was part of her collaboration. As explained earlier in my blog, I showed Tracey the style I was looking for and I was happy with the outcome she produced.

Below are the textures and destroyed building Tracey created for me.

This is exactly the style I was looking for, so I am very happy with the outcome of this.

I was happy with these glass textures, I will be able to show a window broken and use the dirty window and create the crack wherever I want.

I am happy with the textures and also the destroyed building.
These textures can also be found on Tracey Feeney's blog: